Sunday, June 7, 2009

summer 2009

We went to a wedding yesterday at the golf course, where Matt and I got married - so sunny and warm, it didn't feel like Homer at all. And not one parent remembered to bring sunscreen so we all cooked - sigh.

Thea put on a show as always, while Liam disappeared with several friends, including his old buddy from Raspberry Lane 2008, Piper, who is at McNeil Canyon now.

Last week, we had a sunny day that was actually warm enough to pull out the kiddie pool. Of course, I had to fill it with warm water from inside as our water comes from a well and is VERY cold, but they were in there for about a half hour before they started to turn blue, so I'd call that a success.

Oh, no, not another writer.

Thea enjoys eating her bubble bath.

Liam and Matt sharing a story.

The after-Thea-goes-to-bed pirate battle.

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