Sunday, May 30, 2010

camping sans gloves

Every year, a group of friends gets together and camps on the Anchor River, about 20 miles up the road from here. It's not exactly remote - if you forget diapers, they are a 5 minute drive up the road. But it usually is an experience because 1. any time you disrupt the status quo of sleeping arrangements with kids, it's wild; and 2. it is usually about 40 degrees and raining.

But not this year! Glorious sunshine beamed down on Homer most of the week, and the camping trip on Friday night was no exception. This year was different, of course, because it was just me and the kids. And also because I had absolutely no time to prepare. I did pitch the tent in the yard in advance, just to make sure I could figure it out. And we threw a few things on the table the night before. Then, worked all day Friday and left around 4:30- grabbed the kids, some camping groceries, and headed to Anchor Point. I have never in all my uber-planning life, been so carefree about this sort of thing. Last year, I took the pack-n-play crib, for reference. But this year, it worked marvelously. No one went without, I even remembered things like a knife and a spatula and a grill to cook burgers on, and off we went. The other thing I did differently was not bother trying to put the kids to bed until well past 10 -for Liam - and not at all - for Thea. I just let her fall asleep in my arms, which she did around midnight. Everyone was sleepy the next day, but we all had a good time. And there is something wonderful about snuggling in a tent with your children all cuddled around you. It's good stuff. Thea has been asking to "go campin' 'gain soon" ever since.And Liam spent most of the weekend tending the fire. Go figure.

We came home Saturday night because there was so much to do around the house, I couldn't see spending two nights out there. Sunday was a full day of cleaning and laundry and housekeeping and a dump run, etc., etc. I also installed the dripline system in the greenhouse, which kinda works, but leaks a bit - I need to work on that. Using regular black pipe instead of mainline was only slightly successful. Monday, I rented the rototiller from Ulmer's and set to work breaking new ground on a 75x25-foot garden in front of the hoopy house. It went pretty well, and by evening, I had hilled and planted the whole thing, though sore doesn't even begin to describe how I felt the next day.

Then, on Wednesday, it was time to take on the task of cutting fence posts. I bought this chainsaw a month ago and hadn't touched it since - but yesterday, I was determined to give it a try. Of course, I immediately flooded the thing, but learned how to clean it out and got it running and limbed a couple trees Eric and I cut down earlier in the spring. Then, after the kids were in bed, I went out and cut down four more trees, got the posts in the ground, got the fish net over them, and collapsed in a heap at midnight. Long days. Thea slept in till 8 a.m. - glorious.

Liam has been doing Pier One Youth Theatre camp this summer, and really seems to be enjoying it. They get to learn all the theater terms and go up in the lighting booth and make sets come alive. They also do a lot of stuff on stage - learning to speak in front of an audience, playing games that teach them to remember long lists of items... it's pretty cool. They also do an exercise where they try to hit the note that Kathleen, the instructor, plays. Today, she casually said, "I'm sure you know this, but Liam has perfect pitch." Aaaaaaaa. Now, what do I do with that little nugget of information.

Onward ho.

1 comment:

Susan Morgan said...

Wow! You are amazing! I'm so glad I found your blog. Thinking of starting one, too, but mine would be much more boring!