Wednesday, January 16, 2008

sleep, baths and walks in the snow

Yesterday morning I went to the coffee shop and drank a coffee while feeding Thea - and she didn't sleep all day. Consequently, she treated us to our first night of relative calm - feeding every couple hours then falling right back to sleep. I woke around 6 a.m. in shock that I wasn't being woken by a small cry, grunt or wimper.
Unfortunately, the rest of the day didn't keep up to the beginning. Matt has been sick for a couple days with a cold I battled last week, only he got it much worse than I. This morning, 4-year-old Liam woke with a cough, but swore he was fine to go to school. And two hours later, his teacher called to say he wanted to come home. By this afternoon, he had a temperature. So now I've got two sickies and a newborn. But Matt is doing what he can, between sneezes.
I salvaged the day by going for a walk in the sunshine with Thea in the Baby Bjorn, a lovely little invention that keeps even the wobbly head of a newborn steady and strapped in place while the momma gets to go for a walk. The temp was a balmy 24 degrees, and we bundled up for the walk. Only got stopped by two passing neighbors who wanted to see the baby.
When we got home, Thea was in a decent mood, so I decided it was time for her first bath. Her hair was in need of a wash, as were other parts of her. So off came the clothes and I did the world's fastest wash in the sink. Then I put her on a towel, where she screamed her head off, of course. And when I finally got her settled down, she immediately pooped all over the towel. So back into the water she went. Isnt' that just like parenting? One step forward, 20 or so back.
After we got her bundled up and dry, she conked out and has been asleep ever since. I'll have to remember that one for future reference.

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